Friday, 8 June 2012

some handy mummy tips...

I thought that I would share some hints and tips that I have found to be quite useful up to now (and I'm assuming in the future as well) of becoming a mummy!
If you're like me and are ever forgetful or have become so as a result of pregnancy and birth, and pregnancy brain is real, there has been research conducted on the very topic (and from my own research I was averaging Credit-Distinctions at uni prior to conception and then dropped to getting Passes!). Alas, if you are ever so forgetful and can't remember which side you last breastfed your babe on (and this applies to bottle fed bubs too remember to change up sides so that your bub gets a perspectives from both sides and gets to look at mummy with both eyes) read on for some different ways to assist your ailing and weary brain and to hopefully prevent lopsided bosoms!

  • Wear a special bangle or ring (hint hint dads, buy your girl some new bling) and change hands or arm with each feed.
  • use a pretty broach or hair clip
  • attach a safety pin to your feeding bra
  • wear one earring (you can totally rock this trend with a massive one or wimp out and have a teeny stud!!) 
  • keep a cushion or blanket at your feeding station and change to the appropriate side (this is the method I use in the wee hours of the night/mornings).
  • write it down
  • there are even apps you can download to help you remember which side, they also can time your feeds and give you other handy hints. I used one when Alexa was brand new but then I had trouble remembering to turn it on each feed!
  • Another thing that I found was at each feed I became sooooooo damn thirsty. So at every feeding station I kept a bottle of water and a big one beside me for the night feeds.
Even though it was a rocky road to begin with; cracked, grazed, bruised, bleeding nipples, lumpy, bumpy, hot and leaky boobs, breastfeeding has been a complete joy. It took a good six weeks for the cringe factor and toe curling to disappear but from then to now it has been a really lovely experience. It's very cosy and warming and does give you a fuzzy feeling when you gaze down at your little wonder. If you're contemplating breastfeeding give it some time, its odd at first because in our Western society breasts are sexy objects not a food source and we often don't see breastfeeding too often in public so its still quite foreign to some.

Don't be ashamed or afraid to ask for help. That has been another MASSIVE hurdle I have had to contend with since having Alexa, the fact that I CANT do everything (well I can, but then I turn into a psycho monster and no one wants that!!!) But ask for help and guidance if you think that something doesn't feel right. I had an awfully cracked right nipple early on and it was all because of the way I was holding Alexa on that side. I asked for help and a midwife was able to adjust my positioning and within a week my sore nippy had healed itself.

My mum recently sent me up an article that was in the Herald Sun (you can read it here) regarding the hot topic of when to finish breastfeeding after the much publicised Time Magazine edition on the same matter. It had me thinking and still has me thinking, when is the right time to wean? Did you breastfeed your babe(s)? When did you stop? Why and how? Did you encounter any issues/problems when you first started breastfeeding? Did you have any issues if you fed in public? Were there any other funny ways you used to help you remember which side you last fed on? Tell me everything!!!


  1. Used to just give my norgs a good old feel and go with whichever one seemed fuller. You can make it a team sport with your partner. It's called "which booby is bigger?!"

    1. hahaha what a fun and exciting game! Good on you for thinking outside the square and involving your partner in such 'mummy focused' tasks!


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